Manila, Philippines (©Aileen Lucero)
Building upon the BRS-Norad-1 project and also financed by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad), the project ‘Further actions to address plastic waste under the Basel Convention’ (BRS-Norad-2) aims to assist partner countries to improve their management of plastic waste and ultimately contribute to Sustainable Development Goal target 14.1.
Improved management of plastic waste in partner countries is expected to be achieved through increased knowledge, capacity and engagement among decision-makers and other stakeholders on the control of transboundary movements (TBM) and environmentally sound management (ESM) of plastic waste in line with the provisions, guidelines and guidance of the Basel Convention, in particular the Plastic Waste Amendment adopted at the Basel Convention COP-14. The project has been initiated in December 2019 and is scheduled to be completed in December 2023. The activities of the project are structured across six components.
Component 1: Small Grant Programme (SGP) of the regional centres to build the capacities of Parties in addressing plastic waste through the implementation of the Basel Convention
- Develop terms of reference for preparing the project proposal, project template and selection criteria and undertake the selection process for projects under the SGP (see here)
- Engage selected regional centres to implement projects under the SGP and consultants to support regional centres and partner countries on technical issues.
- Monitor the implementation of projects under the SGP and report on the results.
Component 2: Promoted use of updated draft technical guidelines on the ESM of plastic waste and practical guidance on the development of inventories for plastic waste
- Promote the use of the updated draft technical guidelines on the ESM of plastic waste by developing countries through pilot testing and awareness raising.
- Promote the use of the practical guidance on the development of inventories of plastic waste by developing countries through pilot testing and awareness raising.
Component 3: Partnership on Plastic Waste and meetings of the Basel Convention
- Support the development and implementation of pilot projects in countries that are listed on the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) list of Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) recipients as per the workplan for the working group of the Partnership on Plastic Waste.
Component 4: Support participation of countries that are listed on the DAC list of ODA recipients in considerations on plastic waste under the Basel Convention
- Travel support for participants eligible for funding and from countries listed on the DAC list of ODA recipients to attend the twelfth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group, the fifteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP-15) and the COP-15 regional preparatory meetings to enable participation in discussions on agenda items related to plastic waste.
- Travel support for countries listed on the DAC list of ODA recipients to participate in face-to-face meetings of the working group of the Partnership on Plastic Waste.
- Travel support for countries listed in DAC list of ODA recipients to participate in face-to-face meetings of the expert working group on the review of Annexes I, III, IV and related aspects of Annex IX.
- Travel support for countries listed in DAC list of ODA recipients to participate in face-to-face meetings of the technical guidelines on plastic waste.
Component 5: Clearing house mechanism for information exchange on plastic waste
- Develop a central database and a web portal on regional and national initiatives on marine plastic litter and microplastics for countries that are listed on the DAC list of ODA recipients.
Component 6: Public awareness and education campaign on plastics waste
- Plastic waste outreach for countries that are listed on the DAC list of ODA recipients
- Integrating awareness of plastic waste into schools in countries that are listed on the DAC list of ODA recipients.
Dive into the new story map on ‘Plastic waste and the Basel Convention’, featuring dynamic data visualization, videos and infographics, to find out more about the role of the Basel Convention Plastic Waste Amendments in controlling transboundary movements, advancing environmentally sound management, and promoting prevention and minimization of the generation of plastic waste.