Comments provided following the COP-16 meeting, with deadline by 30 April and extended until 31 August 2024, following the OEWG-14 meeting

  • Parties
  • Observers

Comments provided following the COP-15, with deadline by 31 October 2022

  • Parties
  • Observers

Comments provided following the OEWG-12 online segment, by 30 October 2020

Items: 3  
ITIComments provided following the OEWG-12 online segment, by 30 October 2020381.61 K
SingaporeComments provided following the OEWG-12 online segment, by 30 October 202014.72 K
Trinidad and TobagoComments provided following the OEWG-12 online segment, by 30 October 202035.7 K

Comments provided and interventions made during the OEWG-12 online segment, September 2020

  • Parties
  • Observers

Comments received from Parties and others as per decision BC-14/5, paragraphs 8 and 9

In paragraph 8 and 9 of decision BC-14/5, the COP invited Parties and others to use and test, on a pilot basis, the revised technical guidelines and to submit, not later than two months before the twelfth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group, through the Secretariat, comments on the activities above and the results of using and testing the revised technical guidelines.

Items: 1   
ColombiaComments on the use and test of the technical guidelines25.37 K 26.16 K

Comments received from Parties and others as per decision BC-14/5, paragraph 4

In paragraph 4 of decision BC-14/5, the COP acknowledged the need to look further into subparagraphs 32 (a) and 32 (b) of the revised technical guidelines referred to in paragraph 3 of the same decision, in particular the concerns of Parties on the distinction between waste and non waste, to advance the work towards the finalization of the guidelines; These comments listed below were provided by and to the members and observers of the Expert Working Group on the e-waste technical guidelines during the intersessional period between COP-14 and COP-15.

Items: 4  
ArgentinaComments received as per decision BC-14/5, paragraph 418.06 K
Information Technology Industry Council (ITI)Comments received as per decision BC-14/5, paragraph 4465.08 K
SwitzerlandComments received as per decision BC-14/5, paragraph 432.24 K
Trinidad and TobagoComments received as per decision BC-14/5, paragraph 440.21 K