Join these webinars, organized by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), UNECE, BRS and other partners, discuss challenges and opportunities offered by a digital transformation.
E-waste in the context of a sustainable digital transformation in Africa and in Latin America: webinars 28-30 September 2021
Click to view the new social media cards, produced as a contribution to the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit, 23 to 24 September, in New York and online.
BRS highlights interactions between plastic waste and food through social media campaign
Covid-19 factsheet joins others on the Plastic Waste Partnership, actions to reduce plastic waste under the Basel Convention, and BRS pilot projects on plastic waste in Ghana and Sri Lanka.
Basel Convention publications on different aspects of environmentally sound management now includes a factsheet on the Covid-19 pandemic and plastic waste
Listen to the latest installment of Dateline Geneva, featuring an exclusive interview by the BRS Executive Secretary Rolph Payet, and interventions by Plastic Is Forever photo exhibition finalists.
BRS Chief addresses plastic waste crisis on UN News
More than 1,300 representatives from more than 160 countries agree key decisions to keep work towards sound management of chemicals and waste on track.
Online Segment of 2021 Triple COPs successfully concludes with key decisions adopted
Read the official press release as more than 150 countries join the online segment of the 2021 meetings of the Conferences of Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam, & Stockholm conventions.
2021 Triple COPs convened online with more than 1,000 delegates, 26 to 30 July
Follow the plastic waste crisis as it unfolds around the world, with our dynamic data visualization map, and find out more about the role of the Basel Convention’s Plastic Waste Amendments in minimising and managing plastic waste.
Story map: Plastic waste and the Basel Convention
Officially registered participants are invited to join technical trials on 21 July and 22 July to become familiar with the use of the meeting platforms.
BRS Triple COPs: Technical trials for registered participants of the online segment of the COPs, ahead of the meetings
Pre-session documents for the online segment of the Triple COPs, including the proposed interim programmes of work & proposed budgets for the conventions for 2022, now available.
Triple COPs 2021: Working documents, including budget documents for consideration by the COPs, available online in the 6 UN languages
Accreditation process now open for correspondents seeking to attend the meetings of the Conferences of Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam & Stockholm conventions, (online segment) from 26 to 30 July 2021.
Journalists: Cover the 2021 Triple COPs on the sound management of chemicals and waste
Photos from around the world showcased through live and virtual exhibitions, organised by the Basel Convention’s Plastic Waste Partnership, Geneva Environment Network, UNEP, Norway, and the City of Geneva.
Photo exhibition on plastic waste open on Geneva waterfront and online
For the second webinar in this series, attention switches to financial aspects of the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Policy.
Webinar on financial incentives for environmentally sound management of E-waste in Ghana, 7 to 8 July 2021
Key online meeting of PWP pushes ahead actions to implement the plastic waste amendments and promote environmentally sound management of plastic waste globally.
Second meeting of the Basel Convention Plastic Waste Partnership held online, 14 to 16 June 2021
Join Rolph Payet and 150 other eminent speakers at the online Global BioFest, 20 to 23 May 2021.
The UN International Day of Biodiversity marked as BRS participates in the second Global Biodiversity Festival
Watch how BRS and partners pilot a collection scheme in Ghana to keep plastic fishing nets out of our oceans.
New BRS film on plastic waste shines spotlight on the collection of used plastic fishing nets in Ghana
With thanks to Norway and Switzerland for funding support, African and Eastern European countries come together online in May, to prepare for the online segment of the 2021 COPs.
Online regional preparations for the online segment of the 2021 COPs begin with the African and Eastern European meetings
The report of the resumed session of the joint meeting of the COPs Bureaux, held online on 26 February 2021, is now available online.
Outcomes of the resumed session of the Joint Bureaux meeting are now online
The UNEP Special Programme, open until August 2021, supports governments to implement the Basel, Rotterdam, and Stockholm conventions.
Funding available for projects on the sound management of chemicals and waste
Information sought to guide activities on tackling waste in mountain regions, organised by GRID Arendal, together with UNEP & BRS.
Have your say in the first ever global survey on waste in mountainous regions
Read our Gender Heroes series for inspiring stories of women’s leadership on implementing at local levels the global agreements for a healthy planet.
On International Women’s Day, and everyday, BRS salutes women around the world working for the sound management of chemicals and waste
The BRS COP Bureaux have agreed at their resumed joint meeting on 26 February 2021 to hold the Basel Convention’s COP-15, the Rotterdam Convention’s COP-10 and the Stockholm Convention’s COP-10, back-to-back in two segments: an online segment in 2021 and a face-to-face segment in 2022.
BRS COP Bureaux agree on a way forward for the organization of the 2021 Triple COPs
Read the new Global Environment Facility “Guest Blog” by BRS Executive Secretary, Rolph Payet, for news of upcoming priorities for implementing global agreements for a healthy planet.
Stockholm Convention implementation priorities highlighted by The GEF’s guest blog
Watch Rolph Payet’s video address, which focusses on the environmental dimension for building a resilient and inclusive post-pandemic world.
BRS Executive Secretary addresses the Leadership Dialogue at the 5th UN Environment Assembly, 22-23 February 2021
Register now for the “Tackling plastic waste through the Basel Convention” UNEA-5 Side Event, kicking off at 1330 Geneva time on Thursday 18 February.
BRS hosts plastic waste Side Event at the 5th UN Environment Assembly, 18 February 2021
Webinars cover the Basel Convention’s Plastic Waste Partnership, Small Grants Projects, & Strategic Framework Final Evaluation Report; the Rotterdam Convention’s export notification system; & outcomes from the Stockholm Convention’s POPRC-16 meeting.
Join the upcoming BRS webinars, which cover many key aspects of the three conventions’ implementation