UNEP/CHW.5/2 | Implementation and monitoring: Report of the Parties and sig-natories on the implementation of decision II/12 | |
UNEP/CHW.5/3 | Implementation and monitoring: Report on the implementation of decision III/1 (Amendment to the Basel Convention) | |
UNEP/CHW.5/4 | Implementation and monitoring: Report on the implementation of decision IV/8 (Decision regarding Annex VII) | |
UNEP/CHW.5/5 | Implementation and monitoring: Report on regional and subregional centres for training and technology tranfer regarding the management of hazardous wastes and other wastes and the minimization of their generation established or in the process of establishment under the Basel Convention | |
UNEP/CHW.5/6 | Implementation and monitoring: Capacity-building activities within the Convention - Training and Seminars | |
UNEP/CHW.5/7 | Implementation and monitoring: Capacity-building activities within the Convention - Current and planned legal, technical and institutional assistance | |
UNEP/CHW.5/8 | Implementation and monitoring: International cooperation | |
UNEP/CHW.5/9 | Implementation and monitoring: Partnerships with the industry and business sectors and with environmental non-governmental organizations | |
UNEP/CHW.5/10 | Implementation and monitoring: Information management and dissemination - Reporting on articles 13 and 16 of the Basel Convention | |
UNEP/CHW.5/11 | Implementation and monitoring: Information management and dissemination - development of the information system on hazardous wastes and their management | |
UNEP/CHW.5/12 | Legal matters: Monitoring the implementation of and compliance with the obligations set out by the Basel Convention | |
UNEP/CHW.5/13 | Legal matters: Analysis of the dispute settlement mechanism under Article 20 of the Basel Convention | |
UNEP/CHW.5/14 | Legal matters: Work on emergency fund and mechanism | |
UNEP/CHW.5/15 | Legal matters: Competent Authorities and Focal Points | |
UNEP/CHW.5/16 | Legal matters: Report on bilateral, multilateral and regional agreements or arrangements concluded under Article 11 of the Basel Convention | |
UNEP/CHW.5/17 | Legal matters: Draft guidance elements for bilateral, multilateral or regional agreements or arrangements | |
UNEP/CHW.5/18 | Prevention and monitoring of illegal traffic in hazardous wastes and other wastes | |
UNEP/CHW.5/19 | Technical matters: Report of the Technical Working Group on its work for the period 1998-1999 and proposed work programme of the Technical Working Group | |
UNEP/CHW.5/19/Add.1 | Technical matters: Technical guidelines on physico-chemical treatment and biological treatment | |
UNEP/CHW.5/19/Add.2 | Technical matters: Technical guidelines on the identification and management of used tyres | |
UNEP/CHW.5/20 | Technical matters: Hazardous waste minimization | |
UNEP/CHW.5/21 | Technical matters: Dismantling of ships | |
UNEP/CHW.5/22 | Outcome of the work of the tenth session of the ad hoc working group of legal and technical experts to consider and develop a draft protocol on liability and compensation for damage resulting from transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and their disposal | |
UNEP/CHW.5/23 | Challenges of the Basel Convention for the next decade: Draft declaration and draft decision on environmentally sound management | |
UNEP/CHW.5/24 | Institutional, financial and procedural arrangements: Mandate of the subsidiary bodies of the Conference of the Parties | |
UNEP/CHW.5/25 | Institutional, financial and procedural arrangements | |
UNEP/CHW.5/26 | Legal matters: Proposed work programme of the legal working group | |
UNEP/CHW.5/27 | Adoption of the decisions and the report of the meeting: Compilation of draft decision for considerationn by the Conference | |
UNEP/CHW.5/27/Add.1 | Adoption of the decisions and the report of the meeting: Compilation of draft decisions for consideration by the Conference | |
UNEP/CHW.5/29 | Report of the fifth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention | |
UNEP/CHW.5/29/Corr.1 | Report Final (Corrigendum 1) | |
UNEP/CHW.5/29/Corr.2 | Report of the fifth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention | |