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Basel Convention Compliance Mechanism supports countries’ efforts to develop stronger national legislation and address the illegal traffic of wastes
The Basel Convention Implementation and Compliance Committee convened its sixteenth meeting in Geneva on 23 and 24 June and from 29 June to 2 July 2024. 

Basel Convention Compliance Mechanism supports countries’ efforts to develop stronger national legislation and address the illegal traffic of wastes

Basel Convention Compliance Mechanism supports countries’ efforts to develop stronger national legislation and address the illegal traffic of wastes

The Basel Convention Implementation and Compliance Committee convened its sixteenth meeting in Geneva on 23 and 24 June and from 29 June to 2 July 2024. Among 13 countries receiving one-on-one support from the Basel Convention Implementation and Compliance Committee to comply with their reporting obligations under the Convention, Cook Islands and Nauru have successfully overcome their challenges. The Committee also held landmark dialogues with the fourteen regional centres under the Convention and a range of entities from the UN system and beyond to identify the range of resources available to Parties to implement the Convention.

Over a six-day marathon meeting, the Committee engaged with 13 Parties facing implementation and compliance difficulties with key obligations under the Convention to develop adequate legislation and to transmit national reports. In depth discussions took place with representatives of Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Chad, Cook Islands, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Mauritania, Nauru, Niger, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic and Togo, which concluded in the resolution of long-lasting compliance difficulties to transmit national reports faced by two Pacific Small Islands Developing States, Cook Islands and Nauru.

Expressing his satisfaction with the progress achieved, the Chair of the Committee, Mr. Jason Dunn (Australia), said that “The Committee is providing support to Parties that are amongst the most vulnerable to the negative impacts of hazardous wastes. I am delighted to see the leadership shown by Cook Islands and Nauru to improve the protection of human health and the environment in their countries".

Over two days, the Committee also held landmark dialogues with the fourteen regional centres under the Basel Convention and a range of entities from the UN system and beyond to explore ways to harness the full potential of support available to Parties to implement the Convention. Representatives of the United Nations Environment Programme, the Executive Board of the Special Programme on Institutional Strengthening, UN-Habitat, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Grid-Arendal as well as the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Costa Rica exchanged information on their activities and on the options available to embed the development of legislation and of national reports in broader efforts to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

“The scope of the wastes covered by the Basel Convention is large, and the implementation of the Convention contributes to achieving a wide range of sustainable development goals. I am grateful to the Committee for having established these linkages and for reminding us that the environmentally sound management of waste is central to the social and economic development of all countries” said Mr Rolph Payet, Executive Secretary of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions. He went on to underscore the importance of the work carried out and congratulated the Committee in progressing its work on the development of guidance to help Parties embed the implementation of the Convention in the broader sustainable development agenda.

The Committee also tackled compliance challenges with a series of core obligations under the Convention which legally bounds its 191 Parties. It continued its meticulous work of classifying Parties’ compliance performance with their national reporting obligations, and concluded that, for the first time ever, Parties have reached one of the targets set by the Basel Convention Conference of the Parties. The Committee also considered the outcome of the self-review of their legislation undertaken by 64 Parties, thereby identifying areas of improvement to ensure that national legislation fully reflects the provisions of the Convention. Preventing and combating illegal traffic was also high on the agenda the Committee, with the review of a report scoping the extent of illegal traffic which identifies that three main waste streams are currently of concern, namely, waste electrical and electronic equipment and their parts, end-of-life vehicles and their parts and plastic waste.

The Committee will resume its sixteenth meeting in October 2024. The outcomes of the Committee will be considered by the seventeenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention which will take place in Geneva, Switzerland, from 28 April to 5 May 2025.

The work of the Basel Convention Implementation and Compliance Committee benefits from generous financial support provided by Belgium, the European Union, Japan, Norway and Switzerland.


The Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal is the most comprehensive international environment treaty on hazardous and other wastes and is almost universal, with 191 Parties. With an overarching objective of protecting human health and the environment against the adverse effects of hazardous wastes, its scope covers a wide range of waste subject to transboundary movements defined as hazardous based on their origin and/or composition and characteristics, as well as three types of waste defined as “other wastes”, namely household waste, residues arising from the incineration of household wastes ash and certain plastic wastes requiring special consideration.

The Basel Convention Implementation and Compliance Committee is mandated to assist Parties to comply with their obligations under the Convention and to facilitate, promote, monitor and aim to secure the implementation of and compliance with the obligations under the Convention.

The Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam, and Stockholm Conventions, or BRS Secretariat, supports Parties implement the three leading multilateral environment agreements governing chemicals and waste management, in order to protect human health and the environment.

For questions on the Implementation and Compliance Committee, contact:

Juliette Voinov Kohler, Senior Legal Officer and Chief (Officer in Charge) of the Governance Branch, BRS Secretariat,

For media enquiries, contact

Maria Cristina Cardenas-Fischer, Head of Unit and Senior Policy Advisor, Policy and Strategy Unit, Executive Office, BRS Secretariat,


Basel Convention COP Bureau meets in Geneva on 29 June 2024
The Bureau members will discuss the provisional agenda and preparations for the seventeenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention to be held in Geneva, 28 April to 9 May 2025

Basel Convention COP Bureau meets in Geneva on 29 June 2024

Basel Convention COP Bureau meets in Geneva on 29 June 2024
The 14th meeting of the Basel Convention OEWG opened in Geneva 25 June 2024
On Tuesday 25 June 2024. Co-Chairs Lendita Dika (North Macedonia) and Judith Torres (Uruguay) welcomed over 360 participants to the meeting, encouraging them to engage actively and share insights to further strengthen the Basel Convention. The meeting is being held in Geneva, Switzerland from 25 to 28 June 2024.

The 14th meeting of the Basel Convention OEWG opened in Geneva 25 June 2024

The 14th meeting of the Basel Convention OEWG opened in Geneva 25 June 2024
16th meeting of the Implementation and Compliance Committee meets in Geneva
On 23 and 24 June 2024, the Committee kick started its meeting by holding ground-breaking dialogues with the 14 Basel Convention Regional Centres and a range of international partners. The Committee will resume its deliberations on 29 June to 2 July 2024.

16th meeting of the Implementation and Compliance Committee meets in Geneva

16th meeting of the Implementation and Compliance Committee meets in Geneva
Schedule for Side Events during the Basel Convention OEWG-14 now available!
Side events on key issues covered under the Basel Convention will be held during the lunch breaks (13:15-14:45) and in the evenings (18:15-19:45). The full schedule, with links to register online, is available here.

Schedule for Side Events during the Basel Convention OEWG-14 now available!

Schedule for Side Events during the Basel Convention OEWG-14 now available!
Digital Solutions for a Sustainable Future
Advancing sustainability and promoting a circular economy are critical imperatives for African cities to address environmental challenges while fostering economic growth. This innovative 3-day event delved into solutions for addressing e-waste challenges, including issues related to conflict mineral extraction.

Digital Solutions for a Sustainable Future

Digital Solutions for a Sustainable Future
The flagship the LIFE SWEAP project by IMPEL increased the effectiveness and efficiency of the enforcement actions in support of the implementation of the Basel Convention
Achievements of the SWEAP Project led by IMPEL highlighted the importance of addressing illegal traffic in hazardous and other wastes in a systemic manner with close cooperation between environmental and law enforcement authorities. Great push forward for the implementation of the Basel Convention on the ground.

The flagship the LIFE SWEAP project by IMPEL increased the effectiveness and efficiency of the enforcement actions in support of the implementation of the Basel Convention

The flagship the LIFE SWEAP project by IMPEL increased the effectiveness and efficiency of the enforcement actions in support of the implementation of the Basel Convention
Zero-waste Cities Construction: A sustainable Action to Beat Waste Pollution
City representatives from Australia, Brazil, China, Lebanon and New Zealand showcase practices of zero-waste initiatives in different regions, including on involvement of communities and the youth to separate e-waste from household waste and increase its recycling, in cooperation with PACE II (The Partnership for Action on Challenges Relating to E-waste).

Zero-waste Cities Construction: A sustainable Action to Beat Waste Pollution

Zero-waste Cities Construction: A sustainable Action to Beat Waste Pollution

The session will explore how city planning, communities, academia and the youth can contribute to Zero-waste strategies in cities.

Zero-waste is a long-term goal to prevent and avoid the generation of waste, by implementing waste generation prevention and minimization strategies.

The webinar will describe how these strategies, to be successful, require the involvement of different stakeholders in cities.

The Partnership for Action on Challenges relating to E-waste (PACE II) contributed to this project, supporting community action to separate e-waste from household waste as well as awareness raising of e-waste in universities and schools, in China.

To register, click here.


Basel Convention Plastic Waste Partnership (PWP) Forum on extended producer responsibility: plastic in waste electrical & electronic equipment
Registration is open to the upcoming session of the Basel Convention Plastic Waste Partnership (PWP) Forum on Extended Producer Responsibility: Spotlight on e-waste. The webinar will take place on 25 March 2024.

Basel Convention Plastic Waste Partnership (PWP) Forum on extended producer responsibility: plastic in waste electrical & electronic equipment

Basel Convention Plastic Waste Partnership (PWP) Forum on extended producer responsibility: plastic in waste electrical & electronic equipment
Sound management of Waste Containing Nanomaterials
Registration is open to the upcoming webinar on “Sound management of waste containing nanomaterials” organized by the BRS Secretariat and UNITAR. The webinar will take place on 26 March 2024 at 13:00 CET.

Sound management of Waste Containing Nanomaterials

Sound management of Waste Containing Nanomaterials
Calling all Parties to respond the BRS Secretariat with their technical assistance needs by 31 May 2024
Questionnaires have been sent to Parties, to assess their technical assistance needs, as well as abilities to offer technical assistance.

Calling all Parties to respond the BRS Secretariat with their technical assistance needs by 31 May 2024

Calling all Parties to respond the BRS Secretariat with their technical assistance needs by 31 May 2024
Basel Convention Plastic Waste Partnership (PWP) Forum on Extended Producer Responsibility: Spotlight on textiles EPR
Registration is open to the upcoming session of the Basel Convention Plastic Waste Partnership (PWP) Forum on Extended Producer Responsibility: Spotlight on textiles EPR. The webinar will take place on 11 March 2024.

Basel Convention Plastic Waste Partnership (PWP) Forum on Extended Producer Responsibility: Spotlight on textiles EPR

Basel Convention Plastic Waste Partnership (PWP) Forum on Extended Producer Responsibility: Spotlight on textiles EPR
Environmental multilateralism celebrated at UNEA-6
The sixth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-6) concluded with adopting 15 resolutions advancing collaboration action on the triple planetary crisis.

Environmental multilateralism celebrated at UNEA-6

Environmental multilateralism celebrated at UNEA-6
Side event: Decarbonization and Detoxification: Opportunities for Integrated Actions
Climate change and pollution often have joint sources and exert combined and mutually reinforcing pressures on the environment and human health.

Side event: Decarbonization and Detoxification: Opportunities for Integrated Actions

Side event: Decarbonization and Detoxification: Opportunities for Integrated Actions
BRS Secretariat at UNEA-6
The Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions will participate in the upcoming UNEA-6 to show case the contributions of the BRS conventions to tackle the triple planetary crisis and to attain the SDGs, while highlighting ongoing cooperation with UNEP.

BRS Secretariat at UNEA-6

BRS Secretariat at UNEA-6
Strengthening cooperation between environment and customs
In a recent conversation the World Customs Organization (WCO), the BRS Secretariat and others discussed cooperation between environmental and customs authorities to support the enforcement of MEAs.

Strengthening cooperation between environment and customs

Strengthening cooperation between environment and customs

As decision-makers are gathering this week at UNEA-6 to discuss how multilateralism can help tackle the triple planetary crisis of climate change, nature and biodiversity loss, and pollution and waste, the conversation about the cooperation between environmental and customs authorities to support the enforcement of MEAs, in particular the Basel Convention to prevent and tackle the problem of illegal traffic of hazardous and other wastes is highly relevant.

This year the 8th annual meeting of Environmental Network for Optimizing Regulatory Compliance on Illegal Traffic or in short ENFORCE was hosted by the World Customs Organization and allowed to hear voices from regions and globally about enforcement and environmental crimes challenges and opportunities. The eighth ENFORCE meeting was held back-to-back with the Green Customs Initiative Annual Partners Meeting and together these discussions fostered cooperation on a range of issues including best practices and actions undertaken to combat illegal traffic, the role of trade facilitation in promoting compliance to MEAs and enforcement issues.

See more in the Press release by WCO.

Understanding of the role of custom codes (Harmonized System Codes) for implementing the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions
Find out about custom codes for chemicals and wastes listed under the three Convention and how they are created.

Understanding of the role of custom codes (Harmonized System Codes) for implementing the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions

Understanding of the role of custom codes (Harmonized System Codes) for implementing the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions
Basel Convention Plastic Waste Partnership (PWP) Forum on Extended Producer Responsibility: Plastic Wastes in Packaging
The second webinar of the Basel Convention Plastic Waste Partnership (PWP) Forum on Extended Producer Responsibility took place on 26 February 2024. The presentations and recording are available in the website.

Basel Convention Plastic Waste Partnership (PWP) Forum on Extended Producer Responsibility: Plastic Wastes in Packaging

Basel Convention Plastic Waste Partnership (PWP) Forum on Extended Producer Responsibility: Plastic Wastes in Packaging
Tackling illegal traffic in hazardous waste between Europe and Southeast Asia
The BRS Secretariat supports tackling illegal traffic in hazardous and other waste by providing support to of the Project Unwaste Study Visit that took place in Brussels and Rotterdam from 29 January to 1 February 2024.

Tackling illegal traffic in hazardous waste between Europe and Southeast Asia

Tackling illegal traffic in hazardous waste between Europe and Southeast Asia

The BRS Secretariat supports tackling illegal traffic in hazardous and other waste by providing support to of the Project Unwaste Study Visit 2024, Brussels and Rotterdam, (29 January - 1 February 2024).

The Unwaste project aims to fight trafficking in waste between the EU and Southeast Asia by promoting enhanced EU-ASEAN Member States partnerships, in support of ongoing efforts towards a circular economy transition, in line with the relevant policy frameworks.

The project objectives are:

  1. To better understand waste flows between Europe and Southeast Asia, with an additional focus on the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on medical and hazardous waste movements.
  2. To promote cooperation through national dialogues to combat illicit movements of waste from the EU towards Southeast Asia.
  3. To facilitate intra- and inter-regional dialogues at the policy level to promote partnership between the EU and Southeast Asian countries, in support of the circular economy approach.
8th Meeting of the Environmental Network for Optimizing Regulatory Compliance on Illegal Traffic (ENFORCE.8)
The annual meeting of the members of the Environmental Network for Optimizing Regulatory Compliance on Illegal Traffic (ENFORCE) was held on 5-6 February 2024 in Brussels, Belgium. The meeting enhanced and improved international coordination to prevent and combat the illegal traffic of hazardous wastes.

8th Meeting of the Environmental Network for Optimizing Regulatory Compliance on Illegal Traffic (ENFORCE.8)

8th Meeting of the Environmental Network for Optimizing Regulatory Compliance on Illegal Traffic (ENFORCE.8)
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