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On International Women’s Day, and everyday, BRS salutes women around the world working for the sound management of chemicals and waste
Read our Gender Heroes series for inspiring stories of women’s leadership on implementing at local levels the global agreements for a healthy planet.

On International Women’s Day, and everyday, BRS salutes women around the world working for the sound management of chemicals and waste

On International Women’s Day, and everyday, BRS salutes women around the world working for the sound management of chemicals and waste
BRS COP Bureaux agree on a way forward for the organization of the 2021 Triple COPs
The BRS COP Bureaux have agreed at their resumed joint meeting on 26 February 2021 to hold the Basel Convention’s COP-15, the Rotterdam Convention’s COP-10 and the Stockholm Convention’s COP-10, back-to-back in two segments: an online segment in 2021 and a face-to-face segment in 2022.

BRS COP Bureaux agree on a way forward for the organization of the 2021 Triple COPs

BRS COP Bureaux agree on a way forward for the organization of the 2021 Triple COPs
Stockholm Convention implementation priorities highlighted by The GEF’s guest blog
Read the new Global Environment Facility “Guest Blog” by BRS Executive Secretary, Rolph Payet, for news of upcoming priorities for implementing global agreements for a healthy planet.

Stockholm Convention implementation priorities highlighted by The GEF’s guest blog

Stockholm Convention implementation priorities highlighted by The GEF’s guest blog
BRS Executive Secretary addresses the Leadership Dialogue at the 5th UN Environment Assembly, 22-23 February 2021
Watch Rolph Payet’s video address, which focusses on the environmental dimension for building a resilient and inclusive post-pandemic world.

BRS Executive Secretary addresses the Leadership Dialogue at the 5th UN Environment Assembly, 22-23 February 2021

BRS Executive Secretary addresses the Leadership Dialogue at the 5th UN Environment Assembly, 22-23 February 2021
BRS hosts plastic waste Side Event at the 5th UN Environment Assembly, 18 February 2021
Register now for the “Tackling plastic waste through the Basel Convention” UNEA-5 Side Event, kicking off at 1330 Geneva time on Thursday 18 February.

BRS hosts plastic waste Side Event at the 5th UN Environment Assembly, 18 February 2021

BRS hosts plastic waste Side Event at the 5th UN Environment Assembly, 18 February 2021
Join the upcoming BRS webinars, which cover many key aspects of the three conventions’ implementation
Webinars cover the Basel Convention’s Plastic Waste Partnership, Small Grants Projects, & Strategic Framework Final Evaluation Report; the Rotterdam Convention’s export notification system; & outcomes from the Stockholm Convention’s POPRC-16 meeting.

Join the upcoming BRS webinars, which cover many key aspects of the three conventions’ implementation

Join the upcoming BRS webinars, which cover many key aspects of the three conventions’ implementation
Plastic waste pilot projects kicking off across the globe
Thanks to funding support from the Norwegian development agency Norad, BRS regional centres are implementing practical projects on the environmentally sound management of plastic waste.

Plastic waste pilot projects kicking off across the globe

Plastic waste pilot projects kicking off across the globe
Webinars on the final evaluation report of the Basel Convention’s strategic framework in view of COP-15
The webinars will provide an overview of the main conclusions and recommendations set out in the report on the final evaluation of the strategic framework for the implementation of the Basel Convention for 2012–2021 which will be considered by the Conference of the Parties at its fifteenth meeting.

Webinars on the final evaluation report of the Basel Convention’s strategic framework in view of COP-15

Webinars on the final evaluation report of the Basel Convention’s strategic framework in view of COP-15
Information requested on enhancing the environmentally sound recycling of plastic waste
An electronic questionnaire has been sent by the Plastic Waste Partnership to Parties and stakeholders regarding best practices and enabling conditions for improving the collection, separation and recycling of plastic waste. Deadline: 28 February 2021.

Information requested on enhancing the environmentally sound recycling of plastic waste

Information requested on enhancing the environmentally sound recycling of plastic waste
Plastic Waste Partnership: activities on transboundary movements of plastic waste and Plastic Waste Amendments
This webinar will provide an overview of the activities of the project group on transboundary movements of plastic waste established under the Basel Convention Plastic Waste Partnership (PWP). It will also highlight the information collected by the project group related to national and international specifications for shipments of plastic waste destined for recycling, as referred to in decision BC-14/12 (“Plastic Waste Amendments”). Presentations by stakeholders from government and i...

Plastic Waste Partnership: activities on transboundary movements of plastic waste and Plastic Waste Amendments

Plastic Waste Partnership: activities on transboundary movements of plastic waste and Plastic Waste Amendments
Funding opportunities for pilot projects on the environmentally sound management of E-waste
The Basel Convention’s Follow-up Partnership to PACE invites project proposals promoting sound alternatives to open-pit burning of e-waste and harmful recycling operations, with a deadline of 20 February 2021.

Funding opportunities for pilot projects on the environmentally sound management of E-waste

Funding opportunities for pilot projects on the environmentally sound management of E-waste
Six months countdown to the BRS 2021 COPs marked by the communication of 3 proposals to amend the Basel Convention and its annexes
The proposals come in addition to the proposals to amend Annex III of the Rotterdam Convention and the proposals to amend Annexes A, B and/or C of the Stockholm Convention communicated on 15 December 2020.

Six months countdown to the BRS 2021 COPs marked by the communication of 3 proposals to amend the Basel Convention and its annexes

Six months countdown to the BRS 2021 COPs marked by the communication of 3 proposals to amend the Basel Convention and its annexes
BRS and Government of Panama sign cooperation agreement for new Basel Convention Regional Centre for Central America and Mexico
The new Basel Convention Regional Centre for Central America and Mexico will boost technical assistance and capacity-building activities in the region, including on efforts to combat plastic waste.

BRS and Government of Panama sign cooperation agreement for new Basel Convention Regional Centre for Central America and Mexico

BRS and Government of Panama sign cooperation agreement for new Basel Convention Regional Centre for Central America and Mexico
Big Year for chemicals & waste continues as UN experts take steps to recommend eliminating UV-328
Read the BRS Press Release summarising the outcomes of the 16th meeting of the Stockholm Convention’s POPs Review Committee, 11-16 January 2021.

Big Year for chemicals & waste continues as UN experts take steps to recommend eliminating UV-328

Big Year for chemicals & waste continues as UN experts take steps to recommend eliminating UV-328
100th ratification for the Basel Convention’s Ban Amendment, which entered into force in December 2019
International efforts to control unwanted imports of waste continue to strengthen, with Nicaragua the latest Party to ratify this key change to the convention.

100th ratification for the Basel Convention’s Ban Amendment, which entered into force in December 2019

100th ratification for the Basel Convention’s Ban Amendment, which entered into force in December 2019
BRS Secretariat requests information concerning implementation of the Basel Convention’s Plastic Waste Amendments
An electronic questionnaire has been sent to Parties and stakeholders regarding actions taken to implement the amendments and challenges encountered, as part of activities undertaken under the Plastic Waste Partnership, with a deadline of 31 January 2021.

BRS Secretariat requests information concerning implementation of the Basel Convention’s Plastic Waste Amendments

BRS Secretariat requests information concerning implementation of the Basel Convention’s Plastic Waste Amendments
Scientific experts meet online for the 16th meeting of the Stockholm Convention’s POPs Review Committee (POPRC), 11-16 January 2021
On the agenda is the proposal to list UV-328, and draft risk profiles for Dechlorane Plus and Methoxychlor. All the documents are publically available, online.

Scientific experts meet online for the 16th meeting of the Stockholm Convention’s POPs Review Committee (POPRC), 11-16 January 2021

Scientific experts meet online for the 16th meeting of the Stockholm Convention’s POPs Review Committee (POPRC), 11-16 January 2021
World’s first global, legally-binding measures on curbing plastic waste become effective for 186 States
The Basel Convention’s Plastic Waste Amendments become effective on 1 January 2021, changing the way plastic waste is traded, to better protect human health and the environment.

World’s first global, legally-binding measures on curbing plastic waste become effective for 186 States

World’s first global, legally-binding measures on curbing plastic waste become effective for 186 States
International Mountains Day marked as countries prepare for expanded control of plastic waste
The Basel Convention’s Plastic Waste Amendments become effective on New Year’s Day 2021, giving new impetus to the protection of mountains and other regions from plastic waste pollution.

International Mountains Day marked as countries prepare for expanded control of plastic waste

International Mountains Day marked as countries prepare for expanded control of plastic waste
Sign up for the Basel Convention E-waste webinars
Offered as either stand-alone, or as part of the popular MOOC, these sessions address growing trends in e-waste generation, and impacts on human health & the environment.

Sign up for the Basel Convention E-waste webinars

Sign up for the Basel Convention E-waste webinars
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