Control system: Article 11 agreements

Within the framework of its mandate to consider what additional steps could be taken to improve the implementation of and compliance with Article 6 of the Convention, the Committee has agreed to undertake activities aimed at improving the implementation of Article 11 of the Convention on bilateral, multilateral and regional agreements or arrangements

Article 11 of the Convention provides, among other things, that Parties may enter into bilateral, multilateral, or regional agreements or arrangements regarding transboundary movement of hazardous wastes or other wastes with Parties or non-Parties provided that such agreements or arrangements do not derogate from the environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes and other wastes as required by this Convention. These agreements or arrangements shall stipulate provisions which are not less environmentally sound than those provided for by this Convention in particular taking into account the interests of developing countries, and shall be transmitted to the Secretariat. Please click here for information on existing Article 11 agreements and arrangements notified to the Secretariat.

To assist the Committee with its work, Parties have been invited to provide information about their experiences in implementing Article 11 of the Convention, challenges met and good practices,  by responding by 15 December 2016 to a questionnaire, available in English, French and Spanish. The responses received to the questionnaire are set out in the table below.

Recommendations to the Conference of the Parties on the way forward were set out in the report of the Committee on its implementation of its work programme, which included a proposal for the Committee to be entrusted to develop guidance on the matter in its work programme for 2018-2019. The work programme of the Committee for 2018-2019 is set out in the annex to decision BC-13/9.


Responses from Parties to the questionnaire on Article 11 of the Basel Convention

  • Parties